Exporting data from your account

Support Center > Tips and Settings

Published 06/11/2020 at 8:59pm UTC

Page viewed 31485 times


This support article goes over types of data within your account and suggestions for exporting or copying. 





Billing History

Please see our support article: Billing: download previous months' activity, invoices, and receipts.



While there is not an export function for Contacts, you can copy/paste the page into an Excel spreadsheet.


1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right hand corner and select "My Contacts".

Arrow pointing to profile icon, then "My Contacts" in the menu.



2. Click your mouse cursor to the left of the "Name or Initials" line, and drag your cursor so that it selects all of the names, email addresses, and cell numbers on the page.

Arrow pointing to the left of the first name.         


Once all of the text is selected, right click anywhere on the selected text and choose "Copy". 

Text selection and Copy option


3. Open an Excel spreadsheet (or Google Spreadsheet). Right click into the cell in the upper left hand corner, and select "Paste". (If possible, paste as plain text, or select the option "Match Destination Formatting.)

Cell in the upper left hand corner                Paste option



4. Save the Excel file.




1. Click on the "Features" tab and select "E-documents". 

Arrow pointing to "Features" and then "E-documents" 



2. Delete the date in "From" and the date in "To", so that you will find all e-documents in your entire history. Then click "Filter" to run the search.

  • Before clicking "Filter", if you have more than one e-document type, you can select a specific e-document title by clicking on the "All Document Templates" selection and choosing a specific title from the list. When you click "Filter", it will only show submissions for that e-document. When submissions all match the same e-document ID, then the Excel file list will include all fillable field data as well as the metadata.  

Arrow pointing to the From date, the To date, the e-document title list, and then the Filter button



3. Click "Download PDFs". 

Arrow pointing at "Download PDFs" button



4. On the confirmation message, click "Confirm". 

Message: "Please Confirm. Please confirm you wish to create a zip file of PDFs of all documents currently listed." and an arrow pointing at a "Confirm" button.



5. A pending message will appear at the top of the page. (You can leave this page, and it will continue in the background.) 

Pending message.


6. After a few minutes, please refresh this page by clicking on the reload icon (or return to this page after navigating elsewhere). The message at the top will now show a download button: 

Arrow pointing at Download button



Session History

1. Click on the profile icon and then the "Reports" item in the dropdown. 

Arrow pointing to profile icon and "Reports" item 



2. Click the "Go" button under "Session Usage". 

Arrow pointing to "Go" button.



3. Delete the date in "From" and the date in "To", so that you will find all sessions in your entire history. Then click "Filter" to run the search.

Arrow pointing to "From" field, then "To" field, then "Filter" button



4. Once populated, click the "Download List". Session history will download as an Excel spreadsheet.

Arrow pointing to "Download List"



Session Notes

Your own session notes

While there is not an export function for Contacts, you can use your browser's Print to PDF function.


1. Click on the "Features" tab and then "Session Notes" in the dropdown. 

Arrow pointing to "Features" and then "Session Notes" 



2. Click the "Manage" button next to the name of the participant whose notes you want to export. 

Arrow pointing to "Manage" button



3. Access your browser's print function. Within Chrome (image below) you can click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and selecting "Print" from the menu that appears.

Arrow pointing to menu icon, then Print option



4. Set the "Destination" as "Save as PDF" and then click "Save" to save. 

Arrow pointing to Destination selection, the "Save as PDF" option, and then the "Print" button



5. You will be prompted to select where on your computer you would like to save, and then confirm to save.



Other users' session notes

While there is not an export function for Contacts, you can use your browser's Print to PDF function. You will need to have the Clinical Supervisor role enabled to access other users' session notes.


1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right hand corner and select "Account Users".

Arrow pointing at profile icon and then Account Users 


2. Scroll down the page and click the "Session Notes" button next to the user whose notes you want to copy. 

Arrow pointing at Session Notes button



3. Click the "Manage" button next to the name of the participant whose notes you want to export. 

Arrow pointing to "Manage" button



4. Access your browser's print function. Within Chrome (image below) you can click on the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner and selecting "Print" from the menu that appears.

Arrow pointing to menu icon, then Print option



5. Set the "Destination" as "Save as PDF" and then click "Save" to save. 

Arrow pointing to Destination selection, the "Save as PDF" option, and then the "Print" button



6. You will be prompted to select where on your computer you would like to save, and then confirm to save.




Please see our support article: Recordings: download session recordings.




This section requires an Account Administrator role. 


1. Click on the profile icon in the upper right hand corner and select "Account Users".

Arrow pointing at profile icon and then Account Users 


2. Click "Clear" to make sure that the filters are all set to default, and then click "Download List". The list of all Organization Users will download as an Excel file.

Arrow pointing to the "Clear" button and then the Download List" button



3. If you used the Appointment Slots feature for a public calendar, you may also have Public Users (if you have a different Public User Label, the name displayed in your account may be different). Change the filter from "Organization Users" to the public user label (in the example below, this is "Patients"), and then click "Download List". The list of all Public Users will download as an Excel file. 

Arrow pointing at dropdown for Organization Users, selecting "Patients", and then clicking "Download List"



This article was last reviewed by our Support team on June 26, 2024.