E-Documents: delete an E-Document template

Support Center > About SecureVideo Features

Published 06/30/2015 at 11:02pm UTC

Page viewed 40881 times


E-Documents allow the patient to fill out a form while in the virtual waiting room, and electronically sign it. Users with an Account Administrator or Clinical Supervisor role can create/edit as many templates as needed, and delete templates as well. Common uses for these E-Documents include Statements of Understanding and intake forms. For a good overview of this feature, please see the video recording of a webinar we hosted on e-documents.  


This support article illustrates how to delete an E-Document template so that it is no longer available for use.


Before you delete an E-Document template, you will need to delete any signed E-Documents you have received that used that template. (If you only want to prevent a template from being viewed by future patients, you may edit the template to choose "No" for "Show to Your Clients Now?")


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1. Click on the "Features" tab and select "E-Documents" from the drop-down menu.

E-Documents under the Features menu



2. Use the "Edit Templates" button in the lower left hand corner.

Edit Templates button



3. Use the "Delete" button next to the template you wish to delete.

Delete button



4. On the message that appears, use the "Delete" button to confirm you wish to delete this template.

Delete Template? message



NOTE: If you receive the following error message:

  • Error: You cannot delete a Document Template once any documents have been received for that Template

Error: You cannot delete a Document Template once any documents have been received for that Template


You will need to delete the submitted e-documents associated with the template before you can delete the template. Alternatively, you can just mark the document as inactive so that it will not be assigned to any user.



This article was last reviewed by our Support team on September 27, 2022.